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How often should the precision filter be replaced
Air compressor filters, generally called precision filters, are compressed air purification equipment used to remove water, oil, and dust. Many users do not remember to replace them after the purification system is configured, and then wait until one day suddenly breaks down, unable to The operation affects the production, and then realizes the seriousness of the problem; then how often is it more appropriate to replace the precision filter with a new one?
The replacement cycle of the precision filter, that is, the long service life of the precision filter; this is not only related to the quality of the precision filter itself, but also to the operating conditions; the performance indicators of the precision filter include resistance and dust holding capacity. Index, resistance refers to the pressure drop of the gas through the precision filter, the smaller the data, the better. With the gradual increase of filter resistance, it will affect the inlet pressure of the air compressor, resulting in increased energy consumption of the air compressor; in severe cases, it will even affect the normal operation of the air compressor, so it is necessary to pay attention to the pressure change of the precision filter.
When the cost of changing equipment is lower than the increase in energy consumption caused by old equipment, you have to replace the filter element or the entire filter.
Therefore, in fact, the precision filter itself does not have a fixed service life, but there is a concept that at a certain stage, the performance must be changed. Especially in some severe working conditions, workshops with a lot of dust and oil must pay attention to the pressure change of the filter in time, so as not to affect the production cost and even cause shutdown due to the problem of the filter.
2020-04-02 16:05:49